How to save time and make videos that will advance your mission

As a Catholic communicator, I know you’re wearing a lot of hats. You’re probably responsible for the entire public face of your organization, not to mention keeping up relationships with members and supporters, managing the day-to-day social media outreach and - let’s not forget - making sure your organization stays afloat with enough donations and support.

You know that video outreach is important but you just don’t have time for one more project - especially one that seems so complex.

I’m here to tell you that creating impactful, mission-advancing videos can be done, it has been done by others just like you and you don’t have to drop everything else in the meantime.

With advanced planning and streamlined communication, you truly can create an impactful, mission-advancing video for your organization – without dropping everything else you have on your plate.

Make sure you grab our free guide, “How to create mission-advancing videos without dropping the 101 other things you have to do.” It outlines this process step-by-step, and even provides worksheets where you can write your plans down as you go.

You can get that free download by subscribing to our newsletter at And let us help you to grow your outreach with video.


Katie Rutter is the COO of Hundredfold Video. She has received multiple awards for her work, including the highest honor of the Cardinal John P. Foley Award by the Catholic Media Association in 2023, a nomination for a Chicago/Midwest Emmy in 2021, and being declared Video Producer of the Year in 2018 by the Catholic Media Association. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive our video Mission Driven Marketing tips in your inbox every month!

Learn more about the Cardinal John P. Foley Award and its former recipients, including Fr. Mike Schmitz.


Behind the scenes: Release forms


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